Bed Bugs

Thermal Bed Bug Treatment For All Types of Residential Dwellings:

  • Houses
  • Town Homes
  • Condos / Apartments
  • Duplexes / Triplexes
  • Dormitories
  • Cabins
  • Trailers / RV’s

BC Bed Bug Heat is a superior eco-friendly solution to get rid of bed bugs. This non-chemical, non-toxic approach penetrates mattresses, clothing, bedding, couches, furniture, electronics and any other belonings infested by bugs. This process can actually save you thousands of dollars because you won’t have to discard infected items or go through repeated treatments.

Methods such as pesticides and other spot treatments are often counter-productive, as they motivate bed bugs to spread and expand the infestation. Pesticides applied around baseboards and bed frames create a barrier between the bed bugs and the host. Consequently, bed bugs advance deeper into walls and spread throughout the house in search of new blood sources. Once the infestation expands it becomes much more difficult to combat.

Bed bugs are attracted to body heat and heat sources. Rather than trying to escape, they are attracted to the heat and emerge from hiding to come out to the heat source. The heating happens quickly so that the bugs have no time to escape, and the temperature is controlled and maintained until every last bed bug is dead.

The biggest advantage of heat is that it finds bed bugs and their eggs, wherever they are hiding. It penetrates layers of fabric, upholstered furniture, boxes of household goods and even mattresses and bedding, it permeates every square inch of an infested room to ensure that it is clean and clear of bed bugs. The heat finds them and “cooks” them all at once .

This proven process is 100% environmentally responsible and eco-friendly so there’s no need to worry about nasty chemicals or foreign elements affecting people or the earth. The process takes one day, compared to upwards of months for competitive solutions and allows you to keep your existing space “as is” without throwing out bedding, clothing, linens and the like.

The use of traditional pesticides could never accomplish a complete eradication of bed bugs that heat can, or the multiple benefits achieved by elevated temperatures, including the reduction or elimination of harmful bacteria, and eliminating the egg stage of the bed bug.

Please call, text or e-mail should you have any questions or require a quote.

Thermal Remediation Experts Inc. – BC Bed Bug Expert

Call: 250-730-1854

*For a quote we require: The city you live / Sq. ft. of home / What floor or how many levels?

About Thermal Treatment
About Thermal Treatment

This is the only proven method to eliminate bed bugs & eggs with only one treatment. There is no pesticide available that can kill bed bug...

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