Bed bugs in health care facilities
Bed bugs health care facilities. Thermal Remediation Experts Inc., understand the pressure and high standards for health care and medical facilities to provide a safe, sanitary environment for their patients and employees.
The presence of bed bugs in a hospital or health care facility is simply unacceptable. We are aware of the risks with bed bugs in this sensitive environment and the additional risks of the materials used to solve bed bug concerns. Your environment needs special attention and specific precautions. We specializes in customized bed bug solutions for hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities.
Health care facilities experience a constant inflow of people and their belongings, and can expect bed bugs to be introduced from time to time. Hospitals, hospices, elder care facilities and group homes house sleeping people. It is this characteristic that makes them places where bed bug populations can, if left unchecked, grow, spread and impact staff, visitors and patients.
Confirming a bed bug infestation is the first step toward controlling them. When bed bugs are suspected, specimens should be collected and submitted to a pest management professional qualified to identify them. Many people show no skin markings at all, and the elderly and immune-compromised are known to experience lesser reactions to bites. Caregivers, laundry & maintenance staff should be trained to recognize and report bed bugs and their signs.
When bed bugs are suspected or confirmed, immediately and directly notify a designated authority for the facility.The longer an infestation goes unchecked, the more costly it may become. Our experienced bed bug management professional can inspect and treat as needed all areas where bed bugs are suspected, as well as all rooms adjacent, above and below.
When bed bugs are discovered in a patient room, if possible the patient(s) should be bathed or showered, clothes changed, and transferred to another room. Patient belongings, equipment and furnishings including beds, should not leave the room until a thorough inspection finds them bed bug free. Bedclothes should be carefully removed, tightly sealed in bags, put directly into a washer or dryer and dried on the hot setting for at least 20 minutes to kill all stages of bed bugs. If bed bugs are confirmed in personal belongings, the owner should be advised that their household may be infested. Waiting rooms, visitor lounges, common areas, laundry rooms, and equipment such as wheelchairs and food carts, should be regularly inspected for bed bugs.
Our technology is especially safe for people with health problems such as immune disorders, lung/breathing problems & allergies as well as pregnant & nursing women & homes with infants & children.
We also offer dry vapour steam to rid your vehicle of bed bugs. Pests such as bedbugs, dust mites and other allergens along with their eggs are killed on contact. Using steam is an extremely effective and chemical free way to kill these pest along with E. Coli, Salmonella, H1N1 and other bacteria or viruses without leaving any harmful chemical residue behind. The great advantage is that it will kill all bed bug stages including the egg. Click here to read more.
Please call, text or e-mail should you have any questions or require a quote for service.
Thermal Remediation Experts Inc. – BC’s Bed Bug Expert
Call: 250-730-1854