Control bed bugs while waiting for treatment
The following things will not only reduce your chances of getting bitten but also minimize the spread of bed bugs to other parts of your house.
Controlling Bed Bugs While Waiting for Treatment. When entering premises avoid setting coats, bags, purses etc. on beds, floors and against walls. Check your vehicles before sitting to detect any bed bugs.
Do regular inspections of all areas bed bugs like to hide. In bedding, in & around bed frames, on stuffed animals (Stuffed toys can be put in the clothes dryer for 40 to 60 minutes) and decorative pillows, inside clothing drawers, around baseboards and inside slots, screw holes, cracks, & crevices in around furniture. Be vigilant in checking these known bed bug hideouts.
When you become aware of a bed bug infestation, it is time to go through all your belongings & throw away all your clutter. Cluttered conditions can offer the bed bugs a lot of excellent hiding places very near their human blood-meal hosts. Do not forget to throw things out in sealed plastic bags or wrapped in plastic so you are not dropping & spreading the infestation as you discard them. Thoroughly de-clutter and clean all areas (bedding, couches, bed frames etc.) where you have been bitten by bed bugs.
Do not dispose of furniture or mattresses that have had bed bugs in them by trying to sell them to other people. Although the items might appear to be free of bed bugs, more could be hiding and you would unknowingly spread the bed bug problem to others.
When removing sheets always carefully roll them off instead of pulling or yanking them off. Pulling causes the removal of any eggs and bed bugs attached to them. Vacuum up any visible bed bugs & eggs. Always put clean white or light colored sheets on bed. Light colors make bed bugs easier to detect.
Wash all bedding and clothes in the hottest water possible. Use a hot tumble drier at the hottest setting possible. Research has shown bed bugs can possibly live through the washing but the hot dryer will kill them.
Try to avoid using diatomaceous earth. Although it is sold as a safe natural product, if you must use it, be very careful to follow all instructions and wear a proper mask. While it is safe enough to eat, it is very bad for the lungs and we have been to so many homes lately that were covered in this dust, their couches, carpets, counters. This is ONLY meant for under baseboards, cracks, crevices, electric outlets etc. where it cannot be stirred up into the air.
If possible, try to capture 1 or more bed bugs in a vial, pill bottle or in a baggie (taped shut) so you can get a positive identification of bed bugs from your pest control person.
A good way to tell approximately how many bed bugs are invading your home is by the bites. If you have 50 bites there are approx. 17 bed bugs @ 3 bites per bed bug.
These tips should help you reduce your bites & reduce spreading the bed bugs until you can get a pest control professional to treat your home properly.
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